Here Lies Beetlejuice
"Beetlejuice" is a cult classic film directed by Tim Burton that blends dark humour with supernatural mischief. The first movie was released in 1988, and the new one was released in 2024. The movie tells the story of a recently deceased couple who, in an attempt to haunt their own home, accidentally summon Beetlejuice—a mischievous and eccentric ghost with a flair for chaos. With its iconic characters and unforgettable visual style, "Beetlejuice" remains a beloved favourite among fans of quirky, gothic comedy.
Beetlejuice Outfits:
Channel the spirit of Beetlejuice with our collection of bold, gothic outfits inspired by the movie's unique style! From classic black and white stripes to statement accessories, our curated selection captures the essence of this iconic character. Whether you want to make a bold statement or add a playful twist to your wardrobe, these outfits are perfect for embracing your dark, whimsical side. Shop the look and step into the world of Beetlejuice today!
Shop the officially licensed Beetlejuice collection that is perfect for those who love to mix gothic fashion with a playful, spooky twist. Embrace bold black and white stripes with pieces like the Distressed Stripe Hoodie and Stripe O Negative Top, channelling Beetlejuice's iconic look. Add a pop of zombie colour with the Green Lava Dress or the vibrant Dawn Red Maxi Dress, which brings Lydia Deetz's dark Victorian elegance to life. Remember to add the veil! Pair these with edgy boots like the Trashville-518 and Rapture-1020 Boots for a fierce, statement-making style. Accessorize with fun, thematic spider and skeleton jewellery pieces like the Deadly Necklace, Skeleton Earrings, and Crowley's Spirit Board Necklace to capture the film's supernatural vibe. Stay practical yet stylish with bags like the Rails Mini Backpack and Dark Room Camera Bag, perfect for carrying all your essentials. Top off your look with unique touches like the Never Trust The Living Sweater or the Cursed Choker for a rebellious edge. Whether you're drawn to punk rock elements or dark Victorian drama, our collection offers something for every gothic fashion lover. Step into the whimsical and eerie world of Beetlejuice with these curated outfits that are as distinctive as the movie itself. Discover your new favourite pieces and embrace your inner ghost with our exclusive selection!